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Application of meat essence in quick frozen food

  • 12
  • 2023-05-15

With the help of various modern advanced instruments and equipment, people use relevant science and technology and chemical reactions, such as biological enzymolysis technology, Maillard reaction, to produce meat essence, which is widely used in the processing of meat products. According to different flavors, meat essence can be divided into pork essence, chicken essence, beef essence, duck essence and lamb essence. Among them, pork essence can be divided into various categories according to the different methods of making pork. According to different forms, meat essence can be divided into powder essence, oil essence, paste essence and water essence.


In the production process of quick-frozen dumplings, the application of various meat essence is very common, among which pork essence and beef essence are used very frequently. This is because the sales of dumplings made of pork, beef and vegetables are the best, so it is necessary to highlight the flavor of pork or beef, and achieve the harmony and unity of their flavor after mixing with vegetables. Common pork flavor frozen dumplings include 50% pork, 40% vegetables, 5% scallions and fresh ginger, 3% soy sauce, 1.8% edible salt and MSG, and 0.2% pork essence. Beef flavor quick frozen dumplings are made by mixing beef and vegetables. Considering that the beef itself has a strong fishy smell and a weak fragrance, 0.2% thermal reaction essence can be added.

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In addition to quick-frozen dumplings, beef meatballs are also a common kind of quick-frozen food that uses meat flavor essence. It is a kind of meatball food with unique flavor, which is made by adding suitable meat flavor essence to the meatball made of beef leg meat and pickled into shape. It has a crisp taste and is often used in soup making, side dishes and barbecue. The basic formula of beef meatball is: 5500g beef leg, 10g beef essence, 500g corn starch, 55g edible salt, 100g monosodium glutamate and 300g white granulated sugar.

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